
Monday, November 15, 2010

The Elitist's Least Favorite Game Moments: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Kazdan Paratus

First off, let us not speak of the second one. I let Chris do the talking for that one.

See? Not Lame. 
So, that being said, this game is awesome. It's a creative spin on Star Wars combined with hack'n slash game play, made non-repetitive and fun because well, let's be honest, light sabers force lightning and force push are pretty much always going to be not lame.

However, with hack'n slash games comes pain in the effing-a bosses. Annoyingly difficult bosses, not fun anymore hard bosses. Like this guy.

This guy made a walk-through, specifically for this boss, so A) you know the guy is good (and still has trouble) and B) If it warrants a video walk-through alone, implies people are having a bad time with it. My issue is that, if you watch, the time where he goes for light saber damage, he just gets rocked. So if you leveled up melee damage and what not, this boss is going to take you approximately one billion years, because you can't really effectively deal damage to him (nor can you hurt the big giants very well with melee) using your saber, gotta use the force, on the both of them. Forever. Sucks. I hate him.


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