
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Donkey Kong Country Returns Trailer

Is it just me, or is the new DK game looking hard as hell in the best possible way? While I figured it would be a good game back when I first started freaking out about it when it was announced at E3, I wondered just how much it would live up to Kong's legacy. You know... the actual GOOD part of the legacy. I knew it was in the loving hands of Retro Studios, the geniuses behind the Metroid Prime series, but I wouldn't be a good critic if I didn't have my reservations. Wait... am I a good critic? Nevermind. Anyway, with the release of the new trailer, it seems that the difficulty is right up there where it should be: BALLS EFFING HARD! And that makes Chris a very happy camper, until I die a million times on the same level. Haha, just kidding. I'm too good at 2d platformers for that to be an issue. Anyway, take a gander.

A chicken in a mech? Looks like DK beat Fable to its logical conclusion.

The game comes out in a few days, so we can all expect our grades to die soon afterwards. Oh, and on an unrelated note, everyone spam Stephen's articles and get him to agree to buy a hedgehog with me. I would be most appreciative. See you all soon!


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