
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Newsflash: PETA Whines About Battlefield 3

Oh, PETA. Your ridiculousness never ceases to amaze me. For those of you who don't know, and I don't know how you wouldn't, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) tends to get mad about every little thing that involves animals being hurt. Now, normally, I would champion this cause. The ASPCA have been doing this beautifully for years.  The difference between those two organizations is simple: PETA is insane. Seriously, just watch the Penn and Teller Bullshit episode about PETA. It'll tell you everything you need to know. But let us move on to the point of this article.

Now, the reason PETA, specifically the German branch, is miffed this time is a little moment in the Battlefield 3 campaign. While escaping from enemy troops, your character is forced to crawl through an exposed sewer pipe. While doing so, he is attacked by an animal and you are forced to perform a QTE to stab it and toss it aside. After all, if you don't, the enemy finds you and guns you down. So what is this poor creature? A dog? A cat? A goat with a bad attitude who lives on the edge?

A motherfucking rat.

In response to this, the German branch of PETA released a letter, the details of which can be viewed here. Keep in mind that this comes from the same organization that wants to rename fish "Sea Kittens". I'm not fucking kidding. To be honest, I think it's hilarious that  PETA is getting so worked up over a virtual rat. I mean, it's not like real animals should be their focus. You know, the ones that can actually be hurt and matter. It also goes to show that they are as ill-informed as ever on the subject of video games. If anyone remembers, they also got angry over the attack dog perk in Call of Duty: World at War. Why? because they thought the sole point was to send dogs to die. Not attack your enemies. Just die. Now they're using the old argument that video games and other media influence human behavior and cause violent tendencies. While any intelligent person knows this is only true for individuals that are already disturbed, PETA, of course, believes games can and will effect us all negatively. Especially the "young male target audience." I don't know what PETA's definition of a "young male" is, but I would like to remind them that the game is rated "mature". I, of course, am unfamiliar with German laws over the subject, but I do know they are much stricter over there than they are in America. But what do I know? After all, as Nadia Kutscher, the campaign manager for PETA, points out, "scientists" have proven the link between video games and increases in violent behavior. You know, THOSE scientists. The ones who are famous and everyone knows about. It's not like she has to cite any of them, because everyone knows!

Anyway, rant over. I just wonder how an organization as stupid as this one has managed to survive all these years. Anyway, I'll go back to playing Battlefield 3 and the vice president of PETA can go back to using insulin which only exists because it was tested on animals. I mean, even though PETA fights against animal testing it's okay for her to use it because, unlike the rest of us, she uses her life to "protect animals". The hypocrisy of some people knows no bounds.


The Elitist said...

lol. I read about this this morning

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