
Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Outlaw's Least Favorite Game Moments: Isabella from Dragon Age 2


Wow. The more I write about Dragon Age the more I think I might secretly hate it. I mean... I think I like it, but I don't think I've actually typed one positive sentence about the series. Maybe I'm just insane. But I do stand by my claims that all of the problems I have with the games deserve to be mentioned. Seeing as I've spanked Dragon Age 1's ass a couple of times I guess it's DA2's turn. This time, it's all about Isabella. That gypsy-pirate woman who likes boats.
For those of you who don't know, this is a boat.

Don't me wrong. I don't really HATE the character. Mostly just what they do with her. So the woman lost an object she stole and she feels like the best course of action to protect herself is to find it. OK, that's fine. You might be a thief, but I've killed a lot of people, so who am I to judge? Although she does come off as a slut with her ridiculously huge boobs, ass hanging out, and her subtle hints about wanting to sleep with me. I can forgive that too though. I am quite dashing. But like I said, it goes beyond that.

What? No. They are 100% natural. *AHEM*

I treated the character well. I was nice to her. I gave her gifts. No, I didn't sleep with her. I wanted my penis to remain disease free. She didn't really hate me for that though. The fact of the matter is, I didn't take her with me enough. I had no need for a character with her specialties. I was nice and she liked me, but just not enough. But what did I care, I didn't think it mattered. WRONG!

Before the shit hits the fan in act 2, Isabella gets a lead on where the stolen object is. Me, being a nice guy, agrees to help her out. Anything for a friend! DUUUUUUURRRRRRR! We find the building and she begs me to let her keep the item even though it doesn't actually belong to her. I say yes. Did I mention DUUUUUUUUUUUUR. So we go in, kill some people, and then watch Isabella chase the possessor of the object out of the building. We go outside to find a dead body and a note from the wench telling how her best option is to just leave. So she does. For good.

That's why I date elves.

That's right. Without warning DA2 will take away Isabella if you aren't good enough friends. Don't have a save early enough to keep that from happening? TOO BAD, ASSHOLE! Have fun with two members of your party gone forever. You must feel sooooo dumb.



El Jefe said...

SPOILER: To be fair, she leaves regardless of your relationship with her. She comes back later only if you were friends with her, and is just gone for good if not.

The Outlaw said...

That was my whole point...

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