
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bioshock Infinite Debut Trailer

Originally, 2012 meant two things for me. 1. I am going to graduate college and 2. We are all going to die a horrible, firey death, and not necessarily in that order. However, now I can add another thing to that list; the Release of Bioshock Infinite.

If you don't know anything about Irrational Games, they are the ones that made the original (and fantastic) Bioshock. Trust me, that game will be featured in an article at one point or another. After a related company took care of the equally great Bioshock 2, Irrational recently released a new trailer for their new contribution to the series, Bioshock Infinite. Click the link to watch.

Bioshock Infinite - 2K Games - GamesCom 2010
Uploaded by jeuxvideoandco. - Watch game reviews, trailers, and walkthrough videos.
^oooooooooh. Colors.

The original was famous for many reasons. One such reason was how claustrophobic and creepy it felt. Oh, it also took place under the ocean in a delapidated fallen society. A dystopia if you will. The new one takes to the skies in a brillant looking city afloat on hot air bags. Needless to say, it looks gorgeous. The patriotic atmosphere also screams xenophobia. In contrast with the typical "Give us your huddled masses" image that America tries to present, you now have signs that discourage the taking in and taking care of foreigners. It seems to take on the whole idea that the outside world is not to be trusted, which was a common view in the original Bioshock.Uncle Sam wants you... TO DIE!!!

We'll continue to update the blog with information over Bioshock Infinite as it becomes available. We are very exited for this one!


the fool said...


The Outlaw said...

Dammit, google and spellcheck failed me. I'm on it.

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