
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Outlaw's Favorite Game Moments: Freedom Fighters

Yes, I know it is Tuesday, but my charger died yesterday. Thus, you are getting this a day late. I'M SORRY!!!! There, now that we've gotten that out of the way and we can be friends again.

Anyway, It's that time again (shut uuuuup) and this time I want to talk about a little scene from Freedom Fighters. If you never played it, you are indeed the fool. Ya see, Freedom Fighters was a last gen game about alternate reality. Instead of America winning the Cold War, the nasty Soviets did. Bring us up to modern day, and they decide to invade the good ole U. S. of A. Your character, Christopher Stone, was once a plumber (you were in fact going to a job with your co-worker and brother when the invasion happens) but he is then thrown into fighting for the resistance. The game was awesome in that the levels were areas with sections. You could travel between sections via the sewer and what you did in one section effected the rest of the area. Need explosives? Go to the section with an ammo dump. Want that pesky chopper to stop bothing you? Take out the landing pad and the Russians will lack air support in the rest of the area. This kind of stops when you get later into the game when your forces are scattered and the goals become more specific, and it is then when my favorite moment happens.

Throughout the course of the game, there is a Russian newscaster spewing propaganda about your recent activites. They give you the awesome title of Freedom Phantom by the way. You should go watch all of theose segments if you can find them. The ticker that playes on the bottom of the cast has some humorous things written on it, such as red, white, and blue coats being outlawed and brown ones being handed out.

In the latter part of the game you decide to take out the propaganda spreading *censored* by taking over the news station. First you have to fight your way through a poster ridden Times Square, though. The game had awesome atmosphere. After you did, Christopher gets in front of the camera and makes a little broadcast of his own.

The fact that I was super patriotic in middle school only made this cooler.

Seriously, I still get chills... and the strange urge to kill Russians. Anyway, I could go on and on about this game, but I won't. Instead, I'll leave you with a bonus video from the game that takes place after your brother is captured and forced to read a prepared speech.

By Stalin's beard!!!!

Violent video games. lol. Love me some satire.

That's all for tonight folks!!!


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