
Monday, October 4, 2010

The Elitist's Favorite Video Game Moments: Gears of War 2

     Gears of War (Gow) has always been known for it's ridiculously over-the-top gore and dismemberment, and the game received both criticism and praise for the eyeful of alien gore and guts. Epic games knew what people liked, and even what they disliked about the game, they heard what people said, and I think they reacted. I can really respect a company/franchise/friend/hobo/person who can and make a mockery of themselves, and create amusing situations at their own expense, it shows confidence and is typically hilarious. Well, I think that is exactly what Epic Games did. (Note: I could be wrong.. they could have taken this scene completely seriously, but it's SO extravagant, I can't help but think, the hammed it up just a little)

     So, during the campaign, Marcus and crew end up in the belly of this big Locust "riftworm"..thing.. not important. Anyway, you are in this giant beast, and it looks all guts like and disgusting inside, and Fenix is trying to find a way out. They decide killing it would be the best course of action, should be easy seeing as how you are inside it, and you have guns and, better yet, chainsaws.

There is that ugly sod.
     What better way to kill a worm, that has swallowed you, then to cut out it's heart...
Now, you and I can both imagine well what slicing open a heart that is 10x your size is going to entail... lots and lots and lots of blood. So much blood, that are actually going to drown if you don't escape in time! Drown, in riftworm blood. Ridiculous. As you are slicing heart meat and arteries, blood is spurting, sloshing and spilling everywhere. Words cannot express how absurdly gory this scene is. So, check it out. Oh but before you do, ignore the fact that this individual as the pattern recognition of a chimpanzee.

     You see?? They are going drown in blood, those arteries are pouring blood, they burst out of it's body in a tidal wave of blood! They are literally soaked with riftworm blood! I cannot watch that and think "Oh yea, that is completely legitimate and serious. There has to be some joking and fun poking to be had here. Either they did it themselves or I will for them. This "boss fight" is hilarious and awesome. It embodies GoW so well and even if it wasn't done as a stab to all those who said the game was too violent or an embellishment for those who already loved the game, I enjoyed the heck out of this part in the game. Keep up the ridiculous work.


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