
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Outlaw's Favorite Game Moments: Sailing in Windwaker

Returning to work on features, getting back in running order is a slow process, I wanted to do something special. (Un)fortunatly I spent all night playing L.A. Noire and I'm not all here. I was going to settle on Cave Johnson from Portal 2, but that's too damn easy. Instead, I looked to my conversations with fellow gamers from my trip to gamestop last night.

On top of getting two more 3DS Streetpasses, which I checked and didn't use immediately for the mini-games which means I can't now, it was a mostly positive experience. I found out how easily my acceptance of people can be swayed by mere gifts when a person, whom I tried to kill with mere thought after he told me he hated Arkham Asylum and Ocarina of Time, gave me a Dr. Pepper. I guess I'm a friendship whore. Combine those words how you will. This previous conversation obviously led a fellow Zelda lover and I to confide in each other, and we discussed what made Ocarina of Time so great and our weird, unusual fandom of Majora's Mask. As far as I can tell not many people like that one, which has always confounded me. And then we got to Wind Waker and realized we liked something else many people didn't, sailing.

It's so soothing that I almost didn't notice that harsh German in the top right.

So why do I like it so much? In a word, it's peaceful. When the boat's at full speed, the music is swelling, and the birds are flying over-head I can almost feel my seething hatred of most things subside. Also, it's gorgeous. Simple reasons, I know, but sometimes, those are the best... or something.

Glad to be back.


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