Now that we've talked a little about the possible US release date, it's time talk about the launch lineup, and boy is it a doozy. Recently a video was released detailing some possible titles. Watch watch watch!My wallet! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!I've honestly never seen a launch lineup this good. Even on non-handhelds. I mean come on!Kid Icarus UprisingMario KartLegend of Zelda Ocarina of TimePaper Mario2 Resident EvilsStar Fox 64Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater*Head explodes*That isn't even everything featured in the video. I think it's safe to say that Nintendo has returned to the greatness of old. I've never been more excited for a handheld in my life. I am fully prepared to sell my blood, among other things, to get my hands on the 3DS and most of these games come launch d...