
Thursday, September 30, 2010

3DS Launch Lineup.

Now that we've talked a little about the possible US release date, it's time talk about the launch lineup, and boy is it a doozy. Recently a video was released detailing some possible titles. Watch watch watch!My wallet! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!I've honestly never seen a launch lineup this good. Even on non-handhelds. I mean come on!Kid Icarus UprisingMario KartLegend of Zelda Ocarina of TimePaper Mario2 Resident EvilsStar Fox 64Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater*Head explodes*That isn't even everything featured in the video. I think it's safe to say that Nintendo has returned to the greatness of old. I've never been more excited for a handheld in my life. I am fully prepared to sell my blood, among other things, to get my hands on the 3DS and most of these games come launch d...

The 3DS! It's Magic!

It's new! It's pretty! It uses the magic of innovation to create the first effective 3D image without the use of silly glasses! It's Nintendos' newest hand held, and it finally has a confirmed release date! So, if you live under a rock of "I have better things to do than to read video game news all the time." then I shall fill you in on this little morsel of awesome. Nintendo announced back in March 2010, Nintendo unveiled their newest addition to the DS' line-up. The 3DS. The spectacular thing about the 3DS, is that it was said to be able to produce a rather impressive and fluid 3D image, without the assistance of polarized, or light emitting...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Midweek update! Because I want to(And lol cats!!)

So we iz sorry for our silence. You may or may not have noticed that Chris and myself have been updating only the bare minimum, we did out Halo reviews, and since then all we have really done are our features. There are really two main reasons for that: Life, and lack of ANY THING HAPPENING!!!!!!!!! I am slap in the middle of my test weeks, so my life has been a cacophony of math and circuits, while Chris.. well.. I don't really know what he does. Also, these last few weeks have just been dead as far as news. Sure yea Tokyo Game Show (which we planned to cover to some extent.. but nothing just OMG AWESOME popped up...) but since then, nothing...

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Outlaw's Favorite Gaming Moments: Red Dead Redemption

Don't ask me how I've gone this long without even mentioning Red Dead Redemption. It is one of my top contenders for Game of the Year, because you know, there is only ONE Game of the Year. Anyway, this entry is going to be rather short. The thing is, there is a lot that leads up to the moment and I'm too lazy to bring up wikipedia and recount all of that. YOU CAN DO IT, THOUGH!!! :-D... Or you know... you could play the game.First of all, this event took my by surprise. John Marston (your character) has already been through a ton and now he's being told that he has to go all the way to Mexico to continue his manhunt. He finally realizes that...

The Elitist's Least Favorite Video Game Moments: Borderlands (please don't hit me!)

      To start, I have two things to say. Borderlands is probably one of my favorite games on the 360, top 10 to be sure, it was a fresh game, with innovative game play, wonderfully applied graphics, endearing characters, hateful baddies, and a great plot. Mostly. Second, SPOILERZ WILL FOLLOW, because it seems that me and Chris are going to continue whining about endings, because that is exactly what I am going to do. Again. Sorry, but crappy endings are the bane of my happiness when it comes to video games. So let us begin.       If you haven't played and beaten Borderlands, do it. Despite what you...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stand up for the First Amendment!

Video gaming is one of my passions. I wouldn't be co-writer on a blog about them otherwise. I have a few others, though, and one of them is politics. Don't worry, you don't have to prepare yourselves for me spouting off on current events here. However, sometimes the realm of gaming and the land of politics cross and this usually involves politicians trying to curtail gaming rights. This stuff, to put it bluntly, pisses me off.I don't know if you've heard of the case EMA v. Schwarzenegger or not, but if you haven't, the details can be found here.Now that you are all educated, you're probably wondering if there is anything you can do about it. Well, there is. You can sign ECA's online petition to help their upcoming case with the Supreme Court. I will post a link at the bottom of the post. If...

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Outlaw's Least Favorite Game Moments: Fable 2

Warning: OMG SPOILARZ!!! Also, some naughty words near the end.Have you every played a good game and thought, "Man, this is a good game."? Did that game have an antagonist that made you hate him? Did that enemy kill your sister and dog? Lastly, and most importantly, was it possible for you to wait too long to kill said antagonist which results in him being shot by a guy who acts like a total prick? If you answered yes to all of these questions (or just read the title) then you know I'm talking about Fable II's ending.I can usually handle bad plot twists or something like that (except for that sodding wife arm), but this was ten times worse than...

The Elitist's Favorite Game Moments: Dead Space.

Like many of our Favorite/Least Favorite Game Moments, this too is chock full of spoilers! Read with caution, but seriously, go play this freaking game.      Dead Space 2 is up and coming, and my roommate recently beat the first one, so it's a game that has recently been on my mind quite a bit. It helps that it is a fantastic game that I have played and replayed. It seemed like quite a fitting installment to my favorite game moments. Dead Space (1) was a game that, in my opinion, brought the horror/thriller genre back to life. It took such a basic style and revitalized it with a new ideas for combat (strategic dismemberment!),...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Halo: Reach Matchmaking: Brace For Carnage...

Double Kill, Triple Kill, Overkill Killtacular, Killtrocity, Killmanjaro, Killastrophe, Killpocalypse,  Killionaire Skullamanjaro!!!! Halo is back and it's multi player has arrived in all of it's expected glory. Halo has fundamentally changed the way people think about the Xbox, but more importantly how people think about FPS's. You will almost always hear people compare any new FPS to Halo (and Call of Duty). That's because Halo was really the first game to bring in the whole gaming community together to kick ass and take names together. Reach is no exception. When Chris and myself decided to split the reviews up, I had initially expected...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Halo: Reach Campaign Review

Another Halo, another explosion of hyperbole, headshots, and fanboy hatred. Like it or not, Halo is a big deal. It made the Xbox what it is, it showed that console shooters are the real-deal, popularized console LAN-parties, and eventually set the need for Xbox live. So how does Bungie's final Halo game stand up? Well, I'm here to give you my opinion.First, I will tackle the new additions, mainly the loadouts. While I didn't use every one of them extensively, I will say that some seem a lot more helpful than others. I found myself favoring sprint above most, though (which tells me sprinting might have been a good idea to implement as a normal...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday update! How do you say Reach in Japanese?

So... Pink...Remember that thursday update I did last week? I decided I like it. Therefore, you will see more of them.Anyway, we've played a ton of Reach and the reviews should be up very soon (Mine will for sure be up today or tomorrow). Hooray for not having to wait almost two weeks for a review! As for the Tokyo Game Show, we've read some interesting things. We will try to talk about as much of that as possible. Suda 51's collaboration with the director of Resident Evil 4 looks interesting and there is also some new stuff about Dead Rising 2. The biggest buzz so far seems to be the Devil May Cry reboot... Oh I'm sorry... They're calling it...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Halo: Reach: The Wait is Over!

It's been 3 years since the release of Halo 3. Three years since Bungie showed, once again, that they are the masters of the FPS gaming for this generation. Now, the new installment, Halo:Reach is here. And not a moment too soon. I'm not here to say much more than "WHOOHOO IT'S HERE OMFG I WANT TO PLAY FOREVER... oh and work. Tomorrow then". Also, reviews on the game (single player and multi player) will be out hopefully by the end of the week. The game looks awesome, and we cannot wait to get some one on one time with it. Stay tuned for our reports, let's see if Bungie can sweep us away and blow our minds once again. Go pwn some...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Metroid: Other M Review

So it's been three years since the incredible Metroid Prime Trilogy concluded, and Nintendo decided it would be a good idea to go back to a more 2D third person approach... er 2.5D... whatever. Seeing as I absolutely love Super Metroid, I was totally stoked (Gross, I just realized it is impossible for me to say that word without sounding like a douche). Anyway, then they announced Team Ninja (Creators of Ninja Giaden) were the ones who were making it. Cue another freakout! It looked to be the old Metroid I love with some awesome finishing moves thrown in. Judging from the videos I saw, it looked incredible. Sure, I was worried that the inclusion...

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Outlaw's Favorite Gaming Moments: Metal Gear Solid 4 Microwave Hallway

Lordy Lordy this is going up late. You see I was in a clinic most of the day. I am now on three different kinds of meds. That is all behind us now, though, and I get to do what I should have been doing all day: Writing things for you wonderful people to read!!!This weeks gaming moment is very special to me. You see, this moment is kind of what I had in mind when I decided to start doing this. This moment is none other than the microwave tunnel from Metal Gear Solid 4.Now, there is no way I could sum up the plot of this or any of the other games. It is impossible. Also, keep in mind that I am sick and I have a Metroid review to write after this....

Dead Space 2 Multiplayer: Dismember Your Friends!

Okay, so I stole that clever line, but it presents a nice segway. I bring to you today a feature that in it's presentation brought some immediate skepticism. Allot of times with games that are very focused on single - player mode comes crappy multiplayers. Bioshock 2 for instance, great awesome fantastic game in the single player, but the multiplayer was only mediocre. When games like these try to throw in multiplayers they are more often than not very typical: deathmatch, run around kill everyone, maybe steal things from the other team, nothing new. It's easy, it is usually fun, but it has been done before a million times and gets boring rather...

The Elitist's Least Favorite Game Moments: Spore

     It was a fresh concept. Take themes and concepts from all the great video game genres and throw them into one awesome smorgasbord of a game. The hype was huge, the game was big, huge, it's sales went far far beyond 1million. So why on earth is The Elitist using it for one of his LEAST favorite video game moments? Let's dive on in.  First, being a good little amateur  journalist, allow me to set up my case. To start I have to say that overall Spore was a fantastic game, and the majority of the game was a great success. You start out as a microscopic organism, fighting and feeding for life. This part of the game...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

C-C-C Combo Breaker!

So here's the thing.I have finished Metroid: Other M and the Scott Pilgrim game. My PS3 is at my blogmate's house to I finally bought it again on the 360. This means I am definitely going to write to review for other M and the jury is still out on writing a Scott Pilgrim one. In case I don't, I'll tell you right now. It is awesome and if you love old-school brawlers at all get it... like now.As for Other M, I should have a review up within the next few days. The reason for the title of this post, though, is that I planned to have it up today. Then I decided, consciously, to get sick instead. So now I am sick... yay! I will do my best to work...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday update! Still in Beta.

As you might be able to guess, it is hard for two people to keep up with everything that happens in the game industry. After all, we have other obligations such as school, eating, friends, eating, sleeping, eating, ect ect. Despite this, I really hate it when a few days go by without much being posted so I came up with this idea the other day while I was eating. I am going to try to provide a weekly update of smaller news stories and posts we are working on. Basically, I am going to try to keep you updated so you know what's going on and you don't think we've died or something. So let's give this a go.First off, my original idea was that my co-blogger...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Portal 2: New Stuff From PAX

    So as you all know, because all normal people keep up with nerdy conference type things, PAX happened this week/last weekend, and some pretty cool things came from it. As you also should know (because, duh) my favorite thing from PAX was the new Portal 2 game play videos premiering new gadgets and gizmos to touch your puzzle solving heart. Let's show the people what's up. Video Games | Portal 2 | PAX 10: Thermal Discouragement Beam Gameplay TrailerXBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo Wii This one is my favorite, mostly because "Thermal Discouragement Beam" is a great name for a laser that cuts through almost anything. WHOA BUT WHAT IS THIS?! THERE IS MOAR!?       Edit: Those last three videos, I just linked them, when I embedded the videos some...

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Elitist's Favorite Game Moments

Warning!!! Spoilers ahead!!-The Outlaw is in his blogmate's article, adding sum wordz. Anyone who knows me, knows that Bioshock is one of my all time favorite games ever ever infinity amen. Alright, well, it is the first game I suggest to people who want to play something new and are kind of new to video games ( or may be just casual gamers). That being said it a grand total of 5 seconds for me to decide on this moment on my way to class this morning. My favorite moment is brought to you by the fantastic game: Bioshock! (I really hope you had already figured that out...) I really like dark moments in games, it makes me feel better about myself cause I can think "Wow, at least I'm not that much of a dick." Also, I just think it's kind of cool. So anyway if you haven't played Bioshock yet, I...

The Outlaw's Least Favorite Gaming Moments: Mega Man X's Maverick Spider

First things first: I love the hell out of Mega Man X. I love it so much that I stayed up all night last week beating it in one sitting. The music, the enemies, the powers, the upgrades: It's all so magical. However, it has one thing I can't stand; effing Maverick Spider.Don't get me wrong. There are harder bosses in the game, but none of them are as cheap. Sure, he can only move on poles and it gives you a chance to predict which ones he'll use, but once he starts he moves so quickly you don't have time to guess. And as the fight goes on, he starts to move more quickly. On top of that, he spits out little spiders to harass you while you try to dodge. AAAAANNNNDDD, he can only be hurt for a split second when he is at the bottom of his path while his eye is open. This kind of sucks seeing...

Mega Man Universe: 3 New Gameplay Trailers

     Capcom's most endearing mascot has made a recent appearance in Capcom's "here are really cool things coming out" list. The Mega Man Universe teaser trailer was released several months ago and had allot of us scratching out heads thinking; how the heck this game was going to play? Why is Ryu there? Why is it animated in this adorable claymation style? Why is that kids room so friggen messy? Holy bad-art Batman, is that the Bad Box Art Mega Man?? Whyyy?! If you missed this little pearl of confusion, here it is in all of its wtf glory.      So, this is not really conducive to any sort of excitement because, well... it didn't really show anything of importance. Until now.Capcom gave Gamespot IGN and 1up a hands on game play on Mega Man Universe.They were...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Epic Mickey's Opening Cinematic WIll Make You a Child Again

A few days ago, the full opening cinematic for Epic Mickey was released, and OH BOY *in Mickey voice* was it ever wonderful. If you haven't been paying attention, I am somewhat of a nerd. One of the things I happen to be nerdy about is Disney, however not so much the more modern movies. Don't get me wrong, I love the Lion King and whatnot, even though Land Before Time did that stuff first, but I am crazy about the old cartoons. You know, the ones from forever ago. The animation is incredible, the characters are timeless, and they are legitimately funny. So when they announced Epic Mickey was being developed and the man in charge was responsible for none other than Deus Ex, I flipped out. I almost Didn't watch the released cinematic because I wanted absolutely nothing to be ruined... but...

Friday, September 3, 2010

New Japanese Kirby's Epic Yarn Trailer

Anyone who has seen my current blog profile picture could tell you that I am crazy excited for the newest addition to the Kirby franchise. It's cute, the physics are amazing, the animation is incredible in every way, and all the things that Kirby turns into are absolutely adorable. Now, I can't tell you a ton about the new trailer because I don't speak Japanese, but I think it can speak for itself. Watch below.D'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!Everything about it is... I just can't... It... MAKES ME SO HAPPY! I mean... DOLPHIN KIRBY! It's ingenious! I haven't been this excited for a Kirby game in a long time, but I can honestly say I am already in love with this game. Unfortunately I have to wait until October to play it.Are you as excited as I am over Epic Yarn? Let me know in the comment...

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