Warning!!! Spoilers ahead!!
-The Outlaw is in his blogmate's article, adding sum wordz.
Anyone who knows me, knows that Bioshock is one of my all time favorite games ever ever infinity amen. Alright, well, it is the first game I suggest to people who want to play something new and are kind of new to video games ( or may be just casual gamers). That being said it a grand total of 5 seconds for me to decide on this moment on my way to class this morning. My favorite moment is brought to you by the fantastic game: Bioshock! (I really hope you had already figured that out...) I really like dark moments in games, it makes me feel better about myself cause I can think "Wow, at least I'm not that much of a dick." Also, I just think it's kind of cool. So anyway if you haven't played Bioshock yet, I hate you. Go play it to regain my love. Anyway, there isn't really much background that needs to be explained, because the moment I want to describe doesn't really make plot-sense until toward the end. All you really have to know is that Andrew Ryan is the leader of an underwater "utopia" called Rapture. Rapture went to hell, and you have crash landed to have to kill your way to survival. Oh also, the whole time you are being controlled by a psychopathic maniac that wants to control all of this genetic altering substance called "Adam" which basically give you superhuman power. So, at some point you confront Andrew Ryan, and delivers a rather cryptic message.
I just get chills. It's dark, memories are flashing back into your mind (fake and real) an evil secret is revealed although you are not really sure what it means. Rapture is falling apart and all hell is breaking loose. Ryan simply walks up to you, shows you your greatest weakness, then allows you to kill him, knowing full well that your conditioning simply makes you nothing more than a slave.
If you haven't played this, play it, then play the second one, then read our article about the new one set to release in 2012, Bioshock: Infinite.
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Elitist's Favorite Game Moments

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