
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dead Space 2: The Sprawl Trailer.

News post!
So first off, I want to apologize for our minimalism as of late, we are currently in the throws of final exams for this semester, so we have been pretty busy with the studies and that school thing. That being said, as soon as school is done, we have many goodies to bring you, including podcast numero dos, and our game of the year picks!! So get pumped. Until then I bring you awesome

So, all it took for me was the phrase "Dead Space 2 releases January 28th, 2011" and I was immediately excited. I loooove me some Dead Space. Love it. However, most people probably require a bit more hype, and so I have taken in upon myself to bring you as much Dead Space 2 hype as I can. If you don't want the game by the time I am done, then I have failed. Luckily for me, this trailer should help.

This is definitely the biggest single player tease we have received from Visceral, and it just makes me more pumped. It literally gave me chills. Be excited for this game!


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