
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Good Doctor's Most Favorite Moment: Fighting The End

Hey guys, this is Austin filling in for Stephen this week for most favorite moments, as he is very busy.
Anyway, this moment is sort of a love it or hate it moment, as many found The End to be extremely difficult, and as such, don’t really like him, but it’s for that reason that I like the fight against him so much. Since at its core, Metal Gear Solid 3 is a stealth game, and while you can go through the game just blasting enemies left and right, most, including myself, prefer to sneak around like the badass spy that Big Boss/Naked Snake is. Therefore, most of the boss fights are sort of a different pacing, being straight up, conventional boss fights where you just have to run and gun.

The End, however, changes that. I never thought there could be an actual boss battle based on stealth, sneaking around, and stalking the boss, but then I fought this guy. Unfortunately, I can’t really provide a video to demonstrate the awesomeness of fighting The End, since the fight is long, drawn out, and above all, tense. Some boss fights utilize ideas of tension by simply making the boss exceptionally difficult, or very frightening, but the fight against The End is as tense as it is because the whole time, you’re trying your best to find where he is, while praying that he doesn’t find you first. You’re given a huge expanse of forest to hunt him in, as well as for him to hunt you, and you have make use of all your sneaking skills and equipment available. Just hope that all the suddenly you don’t hear an old man saying “This is the end.” Why? Because it will be followed by *BANG*

The video is kind of long, and it's really just to give you an idea about the fight, as it's really about the personal experience of it.

Anyway, I'll be posting another article later also about boss fights in general, so stay tuned.


Unknown said...

I love you Austin <3 AND CHRIS!

The Outlaw said...

Me more so, right?

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