
Monday, November 8, 2010

The Outlaw's Least Favorite Game Moments: Fable III Gnomes

Oh Fable, why did you shoot yourself in the foot. You finally gave me a story I care about and then you make it harder for me to do so. Okay, that was a lie. I felt supreme hatred for the bosses of both 1 and 2. The first one messed with my family and the second one killed my sister and then my dog. Anyway, none of that's important because I'm talkin' atmosphere.

Alrighty, it's back-story time. So there's this guy who dresses like a gnome and surrounds himself with ceramic versions of that very same mythical creature/man. He asks you to bring him a gift that never got delivered, which happens to be a gargoyle statue thing. Anyway, the statue brings the gnomes to life and guess what, THEY'RE EVIL! Not evil in a sense that they go around committing atrocities, evil in a sense that they are masters of derision. Does that actually qualify as evil? Anyway, they spread themselves across the world and it's up to you to hunt down and shoot all of them. They don't show up on the map, though. When you are near them, they yell humorous insults at you which you are supposed to use to find them. Don't worry, they don't move.

They're isn't anything inherently wrong with this. They can be funny and the lines are delivered well. The problem is how far spread they are. I'm not going to spoil anything, but they manage to find their way to the other continent which has been decimated by E-VIL! You are told to wander the streets, witnessing the death and sadness that has befallen the community. It's a quiet moment that you're supposed to connect with and take in... until...

Fuck... You...

This actually doesn't depict the moment very well, because you can't actually shoot the gnome during the particular time I mentioned. But c'mon! If you want me to be engrossed in the moment, DON'T PUT SOMETHING THERE TO MOCK ME DURING IT!!! Oh, but good job with everything else. I really liked the game.


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