This week you get a double moment, because I just couldn't make a choice. However, they both take place in Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare, the best DLC in existence, so that's my reasoning. I don't care if it doesn't make sense, I'm in the interwebs. Anyway, let's get started with Howard Moon, the most ignorant man in the west.
Herbeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrt Mooooooooooooooon! At least he has zombies!
This is another shining example of Rockstar's ability to humorously apply satire to anything. Even in the middle of a zombie crises there is still room for social criticism. I, however, think Herbert is an American patriot and I am currently building a statue of him in his honor. Contact me if you want to help, but you better be white and protestant... and not gay... or British. Let's cut Italians out too; just in case. Crap, I need to finish this and catch a tea party rally. Then stalk Glenn Beck for a while.
That brings us to our next moment: Sasquatch.
There is nothing more to add.
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Outlaw's Favorite Game Moments: RDR Undead Nightmare

You really can't come back from an insult like that, it's true.
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