
Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Outlaw's Least Favorite Game Moments: 100% Synchronization

Saying that Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and I have a tumultuous relationship wouldn't be an understatement. Neither would it be an overstatement. I suppose that means it is merely a statement, but a valid one nonetheless. You see, I love the core gameplay of Brotherhood as I have every other Assassin's Creed game, but surprisingly some of the additions rub me the wrong way.

I don't like complaining that a game has too much to do, but this is one of those cases where it might be true. They added so many different levels of sidequests that I often lose track of the main quest. Not to mention all the flags and feathers I still feel compelled to find. It could be my (diagnosed) OCD that makes me find every last secret and level all of my guilds up, or I could just really want the rewards. But this is just a minor "problem" for me. The real culprit here is 100% synchronization.

If you do all this random crap we can poison guards for you. Let's just say it's our reward to you for letting us watch you jump off of things 25 times.
For those of you unfamiliar with the system, unlike the first two games, Brotherhood asks you to complete missions under certain criteria. Kill someone a certain way, don't be seen, complete mission X within a certain amount of time; all these kinds of challenges are represented. So what happens if you succeed in getting 100% sync in a chapter? You are rewarded with extra missions that shed more light on certain events. That's all well and good, and even welcome. However, 100% sync was not the way to go and I'll tell you why.

For one, this is one of the most frustrating things I somehow managed to do. Even the guy who made the video admits it sucks balls.

It's a very simple reason really, it's limiting. One of the things I loved about the series was the amount of freedom that was usually given to me whenever I set out to do certain things. Unless the actual circumstance called for a specific answer or action, I could tackle things how I saw fit. I could use any weapon, any path, and take as long as I damn well pleased. Not any more. Now I have to kill people in certain ways. Now I have to complete this hidden temple in 8 minutes which doesn't give me any time to explore. Basically, in my opinion, it goes against one of the points of Assassin's Creed. I have all these weapons, but Ezio actually used his hidden blade so that means I have to as well. I don't care what he actually did, I want to do things my way without being penalized.

You're doing it wrong (apparently)
Most might say it's not a big deal, and maybe they are right. It just irks me that one of my favorite things about Assassin's Creed has been changed in such a negative way. I want my freedom back Ubisoft! And while we're on the subject, give me full access to the map sooner please. If I want to find all the secrets at once that is my prerogative.


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